Many Greek islands claim to have 365 chapels. I've never seen a list for any island. But they do have a lot of them. Many are locked, I'm just showing you those I was able to enter.
Also see the separate page on St. Konstantinos beach and chapel.
These first two images are of St. Spirdon, located in Chora. The chapel layout is somewhat standard: a miniature version of an Orthodox church. You have the iconostases and a small altar area behind. This example has the standard four main icons. The two nearest the curtained entrance are usually the Virgin Mary with the baby Jesus and Jesus by himself. The farthest on the left is usually the saint for the chapel and the one on the far right can be John the Baptist or an angel or another saint. Often these chapels had an eternal flame lit.
St. Andreas is located on the road to the new port on the eastern side of the island.
I don't know the significance of covering up the icons.
It is typical that other icons are positioned on the side wall. The one at the top with three figures is an icon of the "Three Hierarchs" (Basil, John Chrysostom and Gregory)
St. Stavros is located in an isolated spot a few km west and south of Chora near the only main road.
There are two chapels here, connected.
A detail. Note the silver covering of especially important icons.
The second chapel.
The two main icons on the right of the curtained doorway. Jesus ("I am the light of the world") and the archangel Michael.